Copyright © 2004 Iomega Corp.

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Warranty Disclaimed

Iomega RRD Tools


Tested Distributions
REV On 2.6.7 And Later Kernels
REV On 2.6.5 And 2.6.6 Kernels
REV On Earlier 2.6.x Kernels
REV On 2.4 Kernels
Available Tools
Locating Your REV Drive's /dev Entry
Adding /etc/fstab Entries & Mounting
SCSI REV Drive Notes
Parallel ATAPI REV Drive Notes
Serial ATAPI (SATA) REV Drive Notes
USB 2.0 REV Drive Notes
Firewire REV Drive Notes
How To Get Help
Known Issues
Work Still To Be Done
Warranty Disclaimer

Project Links:

Project Page
Additional Documentation

Other Resources:

Linux UDF Project
Iomega REV FAQ

Backup Applications:

Microlite Backup EDGE

Other Applications:

Pat LaVarre's pldd Tool
Philips UDF Verifier
sg3 utils


The iomrrdtools Project's goal is to bring complete support for Iomega REV drives to at least most flavors of Linux. Support does/will include kernel patches, external kernel modules, applications and/or libraries as well as documentation.

The Iomega REV drives can (easily) be made to work on most 2.4.x Linux kernels and on 2.6.x Linux kernels starting with Linux kernel version 2.6.7. No support currently exists for Linux kernels between 2.6.0 and 2.6.6. Please click on one of the links on the left side of the page to learn how to get REV working with your kernel/distribution.

Please send any comments or suggestions relating to the contents of this web page to Iomega Linux support. We would appreciate any input or suggestions you may want to provide.

Tested Distributions:

While this project is not distribution centric, installation procedures do vary between distributions due to configuration differences and different kernel versions used in each distribution. This section outlines the distributions that we know have been made to play properly with Iomega REV drives. If you have managed to get REV to work with a distribution not listed below. Please send us information on your experience and we'll add your information to the list. Clicking on the distribution below will take you to notes on how to get REV working with that distribution.

Fedora Core 2
Fedore Core 1
Mandrake 10.1 (running the kernel)
Mandrake 10.0 (running the 2.6.3 kernel)
Mandrake 10.0 (running the 2.4.25 kernel)
Mandrake 9.2
RedHat 9.0
SuSE 9.2
SuSE 9.1
SuSE 9.0 (for i386)
SuSE 9.0 (for AMD64)
SuSE 8.0

REV On 2.6.7 And Later Kernels:

The Linux kernel source at has built in support for Iomega REV drives (as well as DVD-RAM & CD-MRW drives). Simply determine the device name of your REV drive(s) (see: Locating Your REV Drive's /dev Entry). Add an entry to your /etc/fstab for each REV drive connected to your system (see: Adding /etc/fstab Entries & Mounting) and mount your REV drive.

Be sure to read any notes (see links at the top left hand side of this page) relating to the type of interface your REV drive uses.

Distributions using one these kernel versions includes:

Mandrake 10.1 (running the kernel)
SuSE 9.2

The ioctl CDROM_SEND_PACKET may also be used to interact with the drive below the filesystem.

REV On 2.6.5 And 2.6.6 Kernels

These kernel versions contain code to support Iomega REV drives; however, a bug in these kernel versions involving byte encoding of chars makes REV largely unusable. Either update your kernel to the latest 2.6.x kernel, available at, or update your distribution to one that better supports REV (see: Tested Distributions above).

If you use either of these kernel versions, you'll find that listing the REV top level directory works, but ls -l and cd do not.

The ioctl CDROM_SEND_PACKET may be used to interact with the drive below the filesystem and would circumvent the problems with this kernel version.

Distributions using one these kernel versions includes:

Fedora Core 2
SuSE 9.1

REV On Earlier 2.6.x Kernels

These kernel versions do not contain code needed to write to Iomega REV drives; however, these kernels can mount Iomega REV drives read-only. The best option to obtain write support is to either upgrade your kernel to version 2.6.7 or newer or upgrade your distribution to one that better supports REV (see: Tested Distributions above).

The ioctl CDROM_SEND_PACKET may be used to interact with the drive below the filesystem and could thus be used to write directly to the drive.

Distributions using one of these kernel versions includes:

Mandrake 10.0 (running the 2.6.3 kernel).

REV On 2.4 Kernels

The 2.4 kernels, like the early 2.6 kernels can mount Iomega REV drives read-only. If write support is needed then several options are available.

The first option is to patch your kernel using either the patch patches-be.dvd.ram or the obsolete patch patches-see.rewritable. Both patches are available on the Downloads page for this project.

Note that the patches-be.dvd.ram tarball contains patches for the stock 2.4.18 and stock 2.4.27 kernel versions. The patches-see.rewritable tarball contains patches for the 2.4.19-35mdk Mandrake kernel and the stock 2.4.26 kernel. The supplied patches may (or may not) apply against other 2.4 kernel versions.

The recommended second option is to build and install the rev kernel module and the udffs kernel module (a modified version of Benjamin Fennema's 0.9.8 UDF kernel module) against your current kernel. This option has the advantage that you need not patch your kernel and in all but the most rare cases will you need to rebuild your kernel. This option also has the advantage that REV support is only included in the kernel when it's needed (and is thus lower impact on mission critical systems). An install script is supplied that will perform most of the steps needed in order to make REV work fully with your system.

The entire package is available on the Downloads page for this project. Detailed instructions and release notes may be found in the README contained in the tarball. For the impatient, the procedure for installing REV support on systems running 2.4 kernels using the automatic installer is:

Download the linux_2.4_rev_installer file into your user home directory. Uncompress the tarball using the command:

    $ gunzip <linux_2.4_rev_installer-xxx.tar.gz | tar -xv

Be sure to replace the xxx in the command above with the appropriate ending for your current version. Enter the directory containing the installer and run the installer.

    $ cd linux_2.4_rev_installer-xxx
    $ ./install

The installer will verify that everything it needs is present on your system and that it can build and install the rev and udffs modules against your kernel. Assuming everything is good, the installer will ask if you're running one of a number of distributions with known incompatabilities with the rev and/or udffs kernel modules. Select the appropriate option to tell the installer to work around the incompatabilities. If your distribution is not listed, or if you're running a stock kernel, select option 0 or press Enter.

If not running as root, the installer will now prompt for a root password. Enter your system's root password on the command line. The installer will then prepare your kernel source directory (it won't rebuild your kernel, only build dependency data), build the rev and udffs kernel modules, and install the rev and udffs kernel modules. The installer will then give you the option of having it automatically update your /etc/modules.conf (or /etc/modules.conf.local) file. Say "y" or "n". After performing this step, the installer will give you the option of having it automatically update your /etc/fstab file to add mount points for your REV drive. Say "y" or "n". If you say "n", the installer will create an fstab.example file in the current directory that may be used as a template to update your /etc/fstab file manually (if desired).

Be sure to read both the README and displayed comments from the installer. Below is a sample session on a system running SuSE 9.0 for AMD64.

    smithpa@smithpalnx3:~/linux_2.4_rev_installer-beta-0.0.1> ./install
    REV Installer for Linux 2.4 Kernels, version beta-0.0.1
    Verifying all needed files are present...
    Verifying kernel version/integrity...
    *** Warning: directory /usr/src/linux-2.4.21-102-default not found, assuming
    *** /usr/src/linux (which does exist) matches your current kernel.
    Verifying presense of /usr/src/linux/.config...
    Verifying presense of sr_mod kernel modules...
    Verifying presense of insmod, rmmod, modprobe, depmod, and lsmod...
    Verifying presence of the gcc compiler & GNU make...
    Determining architecture...
    Unpacking tarballs and applying patches...
    *** Some distributions have made changes to their kernel that require special
    *** build options.   If your system uses one of the distributions below and
    *** your running the supplied kernel, please select the number for your
    *** distribution.  Otherwise, select 0, or simply press Enter.
    ***    0) Stock kernel (from
    ***    1) Mandrake 10.0 (Using the 2.4.25-2mdk kernel)
    ***    2) Mandrake 9.2 (Using the 2.4.22-10mdk kernel)
    ***    3) SuSE 9.0 for AMD64 (Using the 2.4.21-xxx kernel)
    ***    4) SuSE 9.0 for ia32 (Using the 2.4.21-xxx kernel)
    *** Enter number: (0) 3
    Building custom Makefile for rev module...
    Creating configuration data for UDF filesystem...
    *** This installer is not being run as root.  For the installer to continue,
    *** root privileges are required.  Please enter your system's root password
    *** below.
    *** Password:
    Creating kernel dependencies (this may take some time)...
    Building rev kernel module (as user smithpa)...
    Installing rev kernel module (as root)...
    Configuring udffs kernel module (as user smithpa)...
    Building udffs kernel module (as user smithpa, this may take some time)...
    Installing udffs kernel module (as root)...
    Updating the system module.dep and map files (as root)...
    *** Currently your system is not configured to automatically enable REV support
    *** when needed.  This script can modify your /etc/modules.conf.local file so
    *** that REV support will be enabled when REV drives are mounted.
    *** Do you want this installer to perform this task ? (Y/n)
    Adding entries to modules.conf...
    Installing new rev module (as root)...
    Installing new udffs module (as root)...
    Scanning for installed REV drives...
    *** This script can modify your system's /etc/fstab file by adding the lines
    *** below so that you can more readily mount your REV drives.  The script will
    *** also create mount points.  Note that USB and other hot-pluggable devices
    *** will have mount points that change over time.  Therefore, say no (or modify
    *** the generated /etc/fstab file when this script finishes) so that mount
    *** points for hot-pluggable devices will not be created.
    *** For reference, the following lines will be added:
    *** /dev/hdb /media/rev udffs,iso9660 noauto,user,rw 0 0
    *** Do you want this installer to perform this task ? (Y/n)
    *** Your system's /etc/fstab file has been modified.  A copy of the original
    *** (unmodified) file has been created with the name /etc/fstab.old

Note that you should mount your REV drive using the udffs filesystem and not the udf filesystem. If you let the installer modify your /etc/fstab file, then you should be able to mount your REV drive using a command such as:

    mount /mnt/rev

If running a version of SuSE Linux, use /media/rev instead of /mnt/rev.

Below are notes on using the linux_2.4_rev_installer on some distributions. See the README file for more information.

Fedora Core 1

Fedore Core 1 has multiple configurations for different platforms in the same kernel source directory. Be sure to copy the appropriate configuration file from the configs subdirectory (/usr/src/linux-2.4/configs) into the kernel's top level directory (/usr/src/linux-2.4). Be sure that the file is named .config in the kernel's top level directory. Once this is done, run the install script using the default options.

Mandrake 10.0 (running the 2.4.25 kernel)

The supplied 2.4.25-2mdk kernel can not perform a make dep correctly; however, dependencies are already provided in the RPM. The Mandrake 2.4.25-2mdk kernel also has a patch that changes the calling sequence into the sr_do_ioctl function in sr_ioctl. Be sure to select Mandrake 10.0 distribution (Using the 2.4.25-2mdk kernel) when running the installer, to disable building of kernel dependencies and to change the calling sequence of this one call in the rev module.

Mandrake 9.2

The supplied 2.4.22-10mdk kernel has been patched in a manner similar to the Mandrake 10.0 2.4.25-2mdk kernel. This patch changes the call to sr_do_ioctl in the rev module so that the module will build on this system. Be sure to select Mandrake 9.2 distribution (Using the 2.4.22-10mdk kernel) when running the installer to change the calling sequence of this one call in the rev module.

Red Hat 9.0

Like Fedore Core 1, Red Hat 9.0 has multiple configurations for different platforms in the same kernel source directory. Be sure to copy the appropriate configuration file from the configs subdirectory (/usr/src/linux-2.4/configs) into the kernel's top level directory (/usr/src/linux-2.4). Be sure that the file is named .config in the kernel's top level directory. Once this is done, run the install script using the default options.

SuSE 9.0 (for i386)

Some headers have not been included in /lib/modules/.../build/include directory that the rev module needs to build. The installer performs a hack to the rev module Makefile so that the appropriate headers are pulled directly from the kernel source.

When running the installer, select SuSE 9.0 for ia32 (Using the 2.4.21-xxx kernel), when prompted, to enable hacks/work-arounds for the bug listed.

SuSE 9.0 (for AMD64)

Like the i386 version of this distribution, some headers have not been included in /lib/modules/.../build/include directory that the rev module needs to build. The installer performs a hack to the rev module Makefile so that the appropriate headers are pulled directly from the kernel source. Also, both the udffs and rev modules must be built with the -mcmodel=kernel option on the GCC command line.

When running the installer, select SuSE 9.0 for AMD64 (Using the 2.4.21-xxx kernel), when prompted, to enable hacks/work-arounds for the bugs listed.

SuSE 8.0

SuSE 8.0 is built with SCSI removable support built directly into the kernel rather than as a kernel module. The rev module requires that SCSI removable support be built as a module in order to gain access to some data structures in the sr_mod module (yes, it's an ugly hack). To work around this issue, rebuild your kernel with your configuration changed so that sr_mod is built as a module. The procedure for doing this is outlined in section 6 of the README. Once done, the installer should be run with the default options.

Note that the ioctl SG_IO may also be used to issue commands directly to the drive.

Available Tools

Currently Benjamin Fennema's mkudffs tool is available under GPL at There is also the Philips UDF verifier that will check a UDF filesystem for errors but will not actually correct the errors. This tool is available at Part of this project is to develop tools to perform a low level format to a REV drive, write protect a REV disk (or undo write protection), password protect a REV disk, etc. These tools will be available in the future.

Benjamin Fennema's UDF mkudffs tool generates a UDF filesystem conforming to version 2.01. The latest version of the UDF filesystem that is supported by the Iomega REV System Software (on Windows) is version 2.00. Therefore, running mkudffs with the default options will generate a filesystem that can not be read by Windows. If interchange is an issue, use the switch "--udfrev=0x0200" when using mkudffs. An example command line would be:

    $ mkudffs --udfrev=0x0200 /dev/hdc

Optionally, your .bashrc file in your home directory may be modified so that this switch is included by default (when using mkudffs from the command line). To do this, append the following line to the bottom of your .bashrc file.

    alias mkudffs="/usr/bin/mkudffs --udfrev=0x0200"

Note that if you install mkudffs in a location other than /usr/bin, the line above will need to be changed to match.

Locating Your REV Drive's /dev Entry

There are two methods that may be used to locate the /dev entries for your REV drive(s). The first method is to examine files in the /proc filesystem and relate those files back to either /dev/hd_ entries (for parallel ATAPI drives) or to entries under /dev/scsi/.... The second method is to load the rev module and then look at the kernel messages using dmesg. The first method (examining files in the /proc filesystem) may not work with older kernels when attempting to locate either SCSI, USB, or Firewire REV drives due to an incomplete devfs filesystem implementation (compared to more recent kernels); however, the first approach does have the advantage of telling you exactly where a hotpluggable drive is right now (and not where is was in the past) without much interpretation of data and is therefore better suited for scripting.

The /proc Filesystem Approach

Locating Parallel ATAPI Drives

Each drive on a system that is connected to an IDE controller will have an directory under /proc/ide with a name beginning with "hd". The primary master drive will have a directory named hda, the primary slave: hdb, the secondary master: hdc, etc. In each "hd" directory under /proc/ide will be a file named model. Locate the "hd" directory (or directories) that contain a model file with the text "Iomega RRD". Each "hd" directory found will correspond to a /dev/hd device.

The shell script below will automatically scan your /proc filesystem looking for ATAPI REV drives

    # Script to locate parallel ATAPI REV drives.
      for DRIVE in `ls /proc/ide | egrep -e "^hd[a-z]"`;
        if [ -f /proc/ide/$DRIVE/model ];
          if grep -q "Iomega RRD" /proc/ide/$DRIVE/model;
            echo "/dev/$DRIVE is an Iomega REV drive."

Locating SCSI, USB, Serial ATAPI and Firewire Drives

This procedure will only work on newer kernels as older kernels will generally not have entries under /dev/scsi.

Each drive managed by the SCSI stack (that would be SCSI, USB, serial ATA, and Firewire drives) has an entry under /proc/scsi/scsi relates the drive model to a SCSI host:target:lun. Below is an example /proc/scsi/scsi.

    Attached devices:
    Host: scsi0 Channel: 00 Id: 05 Lun: 00
      Vendor: Iomega   Model: RRD              Rev: 83.B
      Type:   CD-ROM                           ANSI SCSI revision: 04
    Host: scsi1 Channel: 00 Id: 00 Lun: 00
      Vendor: IOMEGA   Model: CDDVD522416E23-C Rev: 0P52
      Type:   CD-ROM                           ANSI SCSI revision: 02
    Host: scsi2 Channel: 00 Id: 00 Lun: 00
      Vendor: Iomega   Model: RRD              Rev: 86.B
      Type:   CD-ROM                           ANSI SCSI revision: 02
    Host: scsi3 Channel: 00 Id: 00 Lun: 00
      Vendor: IOMEGA   Model: ZIP 250          Rev: 59.T
      Type:   Direct-Access                    ANSI SCSI revision: 02

The above /proc/scsi/scsi tells us that we have two REV drives. The first REV drive is located on host 0, bus 0, target 5, lun 0 and is device /dev/scsi/host0/bus0/target5/lun0/cd. The second REV drive is located on host 2, bus 0, target 0, lun 0 and is device /dev/scsi/host2/bus0/target0/lun0/cd. Note that typically, the more common drive names, such as /dev/scd1 are in fact symbolic links to devices under the /dev/scsi directory.

The shell script below will automatically scan your /proc/scsi/scsi file looking for SCSI, USB, serial ATAPI, or Firewire REV drives. The script will also attempt to relate these drives back to their more common names as described

    # Script to locate REV drives managed by the SCSI stack.
      for KEYWORD in `cat </proc/scsi/scsi`;
        case "$LAST_KEYWORD" in
            HOST=`echo "$KEYWORD" | sed -e "s/scsi//"`
            BUS=`echo "$KEYWORD" | sed -e "s/0\([1-9]\)/\1/" | sed -e "s/00/0/"`
            TARGET=`echo "$KEYWORD" | sed -e "s/0\([1-9]\)/\1/" | sed -e "s/00/0/"`
            LUN=`echo "$KEYWORD" | sed -e "s/0\([1-9]\)/\1/" | sed -e "s/00/0/"`
            if [ "Iomega" = "$VENDOR" -a "RRD" = "$MODEL" -a "CD-ROM" = "$TYPE" ];
              DEV_ENTRY_2=`ls -l /dev | grep "$DEV_POINT" | sed -e "s/.*\(scd[0-9][0-9]*\) .*/\1/"`
              echo "Device $DEV_ENTRY_2, also at $DEV_ENTRY_1 is an Iomega REV drive."

The dmesg Approach

If you used the automatic installer (2.4 kernels)

Load the rev kernel module. Then scan the output of the dmesg command looking for text similar to one of the two lines below.

    rev: /dev/hda does support random write
    rev: device sr0 supports random write.

The first line indicates that /dev/hda is an Iomega REV drive (or DVD-RAM, CD-MRW, etc.) drive that supports random write. This indicates that device /dev/hda is likely an Iomega REV drive. The second entry indicates that either /dev/sr0 or /dev/scd0 is an Iomega REV drive. The exact name depends on the kernel version and kernel configuration. Check to see which device exists in the /dev filesystem.

To locate these entries quickly on the the command line, use the command:

    $ su -c "modprobe rev ; dmesg | egrep -e \"^rev: .*random write\" | egrep -v -e \"^rev: .* does not\""

If your using a recent kernel or a patched kernel (not the automatic installer).

If not already loaded, load the sr_mod kernel module (you may need to unload and reload the module). Scan the output of the dmesg command looking for text containing "Iomega".

You should see entries similar to:

    hdb: Iomega RRD, ATAPI CD/DVD-ROM drive
    scsi2 : SCSI emulation for USB Mass Storage devices
      Vendor: Iomega    Model: RRD               Rev: 86.B
      Type:   CD-ROM                             ANSI SCSI revision: 02
    sr2: scsi3-mmc drive: 125x/125x caddy

The above text indicates that /dev/hdb and either /dev/sr2 or /dev/scd2 are Iomega REV drives. To determine if your REV drive is called /dev/sr.. or /dev/scd.. check to see (using ls) which device is located in the /dev filesystem.

Note that either of the two second approaches have the weakness that you're scanning the history of kernel activity. If a hotpluggable device (such as a USB drive) is being used, and the device has been plugged in and unplugged several times, the device may have multiple entries in dmesg with only one of them accurate. It's also possible for entries to be present for drives that are currently not attached. Be sure to verify that the correct entry is being used by actually mounting the drive.

Adding /etc/fstab Entries & Mounting

If you're running a 2.6 kernel, or if you're running a 2.4 kernel and did not use the automatic installer, or if you did not have the automatic installer update your /etc/fstab file. You will likely want to manually add entries to your /etc/fstab file to faciliate mounting your REV drive.

Using your favorite text editor (emacs, vi, pico, nano, joe, kate, kedit, etc.), add or verify the presence of a line in your /etc/fstab file each REV drive installed on your system. Each drive should have a line such as:

    /dev/scd0 /mnt/rev udffs,iso9660 noauto,user,rw 0 0

If you did not use the automatic installer (2.6 kernels and patched 2.4 kernels), then replace "udffs" with "udf" to use the UDF filesystem supplied with your kernel.

The first parameter is the device name in the /dev filesystem. as discovered either by the automatic installation script or by the procedure outlined in the section "Locating Your REV Drive's /dev Entry". The second parameter is the mount point for your drive. Mount points may be created as desired using the mkdir command. Typically mount points are in the /mnt directory (/media directory on SuSE). The third parameter, "udffs,iso9660" are the filesystems that should be accepted on this mount point. Again, if your running a 2.6 kernel, or a patched 2.4 kernel, this parameter should be "udf,iso9660". Generally REV will only use the udffs or the udf filesystem; however, REV drives with boot partitions may also have a partition in the iso9660 format. The fourth parameter "noauto,user,rw" are mount options. These mount options indicate that the filesystem should *NOT* be mounted on system boot, that a normal user may mount the drive, and that the drive should support both read and write access. The remaining fifth and sixth fields are the dump frequency and filesystem check order values (set to 0 for REV).

SCSI REV Drive Notes

SCSI REV drives will generally just work. Depending on the kernel version, the drive may appear as a /dev/sr device, or an /dev/scd device.

Parallel ATAPI REV Drive Notes

Parallel ATAPI REV drives will generally just work.

Serial ATAPI REV Drive Notes

TODO: Add information here.

USB 2.0 REV Drive Notes

Please note issues regarding hot-pluggable devices and /etc/fstab entries in the sections Locating Your REV Drive's /dev Entry and Adding /etc/fstab Entries & Mounting of this document. On 2.6 kernels, be sure to use the usb-storage kernel module and not the ub kernel module. At this time, the ub kernel module will not support REV.

Note that depending on the kernel version, the drive may appear as a /dev/sr device, or an /dev/scd device.

Firewire REV Drive Notes

FireWire REV drives may require extra configuration to deliver optimal throughput. People suggest modprobe sbp2 serialize_io= for 2.6 kernels and modprobe sbp2 sbp2_serialize_io=1 for 2.4 kernels.

Note that depending on the kernel version, the drive may appear as a /dev/sr device, or an /dev/scd device.

How To Get Help

Please send e-mail to Iomega Linux support to ask questions this page did not immediately answer for you and to make other suggestions for improving this web site.

If you have problems getting REV to install on your 2.4 kernel based system using the automatic installer. Please include the file log generated by the installer and placed into the directory the installer was run in. Please also include any messages listed by the installer. Both will help greatly in addressing any problems.

If you did not use the automatic installer, or if the automatic installer appeared to work successfully. But you can not use your REV drive, please run the script dump_environment included with the automatic installer and send the generated dump_environment.log in an E-mail with an explanation of what your seeing. The dump_environment script can be used on both 2.4 and 2.6 kernel versions.

Known Issues

The following issues are known to exist with REV on Linux:

  1. No clean installation for 2.6.0 through 2.6.6 kernels.
  2. No fsck like program. Closest available tools is the Philips UDF Verifier.
  3. Write performance is very slow with some applications. Most notibly cp, dd, and most GUI tools (such as Konqueror and Nautilus). Tests indicate that the drive can obtain good performance on Linux with specialized applications so the problem is not in the UDF filesystem per-se.
  4. Report of filesystem corruption. Have not been able to reproduce.
  5. Confirmed report of incorrect reporting of drive free space.
  6. The mount needs the -o lastblock= option to mount bootable ISO/UDF REV discs, unless you apply patches-udf.lastblock.
  7. Suspending password protection may leave the blockdev --getsize cache stale.

Work Still To Be Done

The following tasks need to be performed:

  1. Address all the issues listed above.
  2. Continue development of the iomrrdtools to provide support for write protection, password protection and low level format.


Thanks should go to the following individuals:

Daniel Czarnecki, Stefano Giunchi, and David Hawks.

Extra special thanks should go to the following individuals:

John McKell, and Pat LaVarre.

Our help has come from:

Australia, Italy, and Utah.

9. Disclaimer of Warranty

Iomega Corp. Disclaimer of Warranty.

This information is provided above on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, either express or implied, including, without limitation, any warranties of TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the appropriateness of using the information and assume any risks associated with your use of such information. By using the information or software, you agree to assume any risks of the information being defective or inadequate to suit your needs, and you agree to waive any and all rights to make any claim whatsoever related to this information, including but not limited to any claim for damages (whether general or special, consequential, punitive, or for lost profits or any other damages), equitable relief, or loss of data. By using the information, you agree that you have not received any other representations or promises related to the information besides the information stated in this provision. In addition, this document does not grant you any additional rights or representations with regard to the underlying software described herein; any use of such software is governed by a separate, applicable license, your acceptance of which is a pre-condition to your use of such software.

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$Id: index.html,v 1.17 2004/12/14 23:03:16 paulhsmith Exp $